"Teacher, I never thought I was going to miss school"

Towards a pedagogy of affection and commitment: experiences to guarantee Comprehensive Sex Education at the Secondary Level during the pandemic





Pandemia, Educación Secundaria, Educación Sexual Integral


The following lines correspond to retaking a series of experiences linked to teaching work at the Secondary Level in the context of the health emergency resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic that shook the entire world and within it the educational systems. In this particular case, the enormous teaching work to maintain the pedagogical link with the students stands out in part. And on the other, the challenge of guaranteeing the right to work despite the enormous complexity and inequality that virtual education brings, Law 26.150 on Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI). The pandemic deprived us of the possibility of continuing to work in the ESI workshops with the corporality, emotion, interruptions and unforeseen events that face-to-face meetings provide us. However, with the passing of the days, a new educational logistics could be organized aimed at guaranteeing the right of education to students. This work is about taking up some experiences with the ESI tool which, far from exhausting the possibilities, invites to multiply spaces to cross-translate the gender perspective.


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Author Biography

Juan Pablo Robledo, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Professor of Social Communication (National University of Rosario) - Professor of History (IES 28 "Olga Cossettini") Higher-level teaching specialist in Education and Human Rights. Higher Level Teacher in Education and Socio-Educational Policies (ISP N ° 24). Teacher of Secondary Education in the city of Rosario and Armstrong (province of Santa Fe). Union delegate of AMSAFE. Teacher and participant in some UNR Extension Projects. He published some reviews and articles in specialized magazines as well as lectures and pedagogical proposals at different conferences in relation to human rights, Comprehensive Sex Education (ESI) and History.


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How to Cite

Robledo, J. P. (2020). "Teacher, I never thought I was going to miss school": Towards a pedagogy of affection and commitment: experiences to guarantee Comprehensive Sex Education at the Secondary Level during the pandemic. Question/Cuestión, 2(66), e509. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e509


