Native advertising and press releases, a comparative analysis




press releases; native advertising; publicity; public relations; automatic text analysis.


Public relations represents a very diverse field in which both advertising and publicity have a place as tools to achieve their objectives. The proximity between native advertising and traditional publicity is evident because both products are adapted to the media format and generate promotion while offering relevant information. However, direct payment and especially the different conditioning factors that affect the message that is finally disseminated are crucial and can distort the communication objective of practitioners.

This article has compared through automatic text analysis the writing of native advertising of organizations from different sectors, with regard to the press releases of these same organizations. The press releases are the original material transmitted by the public relations teams, these products are altered by the media to be published and become publicity.

The comparison through an objective methodology between the messages included in the native advertising with respect to the press releases shows that the native advertising has a textual format that fits completely with the press releases. This is a very significant finding especially because of the objective methodology applied in a innovative way.


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Author Biography

Francisco Leslie López del Castillo Wilderbeek, Universidad Pompeu Fabra

I have a PhD in communication from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and I am a member of the Medium research team at the same institution. I combine my research activity with the position of Documentation Expert in the media analysis company REBOLD.


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How to Cite

López del Castillo Wilderbeek, F. L. (2020). Native advertising and press releases, a comparative analysis. Question/Cuestión, 2(67), e433.




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