Leaving the discourse on the “crack” behind. How to increase trust among Argentines?
social trust, political trust, political cultureAbstract
After discussing the reasons for the narrative on the “crack” and the source of potential social and political tensions that the current globalization model represents today for democracies such as Argentina, the article examines the main lines of research on the nature, causes and effects of social and political trust. Based on data from the World Values Survey (WVS) and Latinobarómetro, the work analyzes the two types of trust among Argentines in an international comparative perspective and their evolution over the past two decades. Using a battery of regression models that predict different forms of social trust in Argentine society, general public policy guidelines are proposed. A balanced development, with universalistic policies that promote equality; an impartial, effective and transparent institutional system and state apparatus that sanction non-cooperative behaviors, and responsive political leaders, are ways to gradually raise social and political trust and break the vicious circles that have kept them depressed for decades.
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