Lectora de la existencia

Iris Murdoch





Philosophy and literature, Iris Murdoch, literary reading, philosophical reading


The present article has a fundamental purpose which is centered on studying the ways in which Irish Murdoch faces those literary and philosophical texts that challenge and inspire her own essay master production while, at the same time, constructs a model of analysis and reflection as a reader. This analysis is restricted to a selection of her own essays, articles, and philosophical texts. This article has been divided in three sections. The first part consists of the analysis of the connection made by Murdoch between philosophy and literature as a way of reading that permits the encounter between moral and novel. The second part is focused on the existentialist novel as means of narrative comprehension of the world coming from the individuality of the existence of the human. The third is centered on the platonic contemplation on mimesis and reality.



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Author Biography

Luis Alfonso Argüello Guzmán, Universidad de San Buenaventura, sede Medellín, Extensión Ibagué.

Doctor Luis Alfonso Arguello Guzman has a doctoral title in Humanities, Humanism and Person. He is currently professor for the program of Psychology and a researcher associated to the Interdisciplinary Center of Human Studies – CIDEH at Universidad de San Buenaventura, from Medellín with an extension service in Ibagué, Colombia.  


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How to Cite

Argüello Guzmán, L. A. (2021). Lectora de la existencia: Iris Murdoch. Question/Cuestión, 3(69), e560. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e560