Una lectora nada común

Virginia Woolf





Virginia Woolf, literary reading, literary criticism, critical works


In this article, the role of Virginia Woolf as a reader is analyzed through her reflections  about reading which are registered in her novels, articles, essays, and her personal diary. This revision reveals that her readings move between the past and the present of her literary tradition in the presence of the contemporary time. It is documented with her exercise of writing in essays, reviews or articles, which emerge of combining accuracy, bibliographic vibrancy, argumentative clarity and familiarity, with the purpose of endorsing herself as a guide for future readers. These displacements correspond to an intellectual exercise of resistance in which Woolf describes the importance of libraries as a place where the traditions that reinforce privileges and exclusions must be broken. For the development of this revision it starts by a selection of essays and articles that have notes about the job of reading.  Woof’s references about the power of libraries and readers are considered in novels such as “The waves” and “Between the acts” in notes from the “The diary” and “The diary of a writer”, at the same time, in books of essays such as “A room of one’s own”, “three guineas” and “A letter to a young poet”. 


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Author Biography

Luis Alfonso Argüello Guzmán, Universidad del Tolima


Universidad del Tolima

Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Artes

Grupo Interdisciplinario en Estudios sobre el Territorio Yuma Ima 



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Forrester, V. (1978). Virginia Woolf: el vicio absurdo. Barcelona: Ultramar.

Gordon, Lyndall. (1986). Virginia Woolf. Vida de una escritora. Barcelona: Seix Barral.

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Woolf, V. (2015) ). [1941]. Entre actos. Buenos Aires: Losada.

Woolf, V. (2013). [1939]. “Reseñar”. En: Leer o no leer y otros escritos. (pp. 199-220). Madrid: Abada

Woolf, V. (2012). [1931]. Las Olas. Barcelona: Edhasa.

Woolf, V. (2009). [1925]. “El lector común”. En: El lector común. (pp. 2-3). Barcelona: Lumen.

Woolf, V. (1994a). [1977]. Diario íntimo III. (1932-1941). Barcelona: Grijalbo Mondadori.

Woolf, V. (1994b). [1925]. “The tale of the Genji”. En: The essays of Virginia Woolf. Volume 4. 1925-1928. (pp. 264-268). New York: Harcourt.

Woolf, V. (1984). [1977]. Una habitación propia. Barcelona: Seix Barral

Woolf, V. (1977a). [1924]. “El señor Bennett y la señora Brown”. En: La torre inclinada. (pp. 29-46). Barcelona: Lumen.

Woolf, V. (1977b). [1925]. “¿Cómo hay que leer un libro?”. En: La torre inclinada. (pp. 47-62). Barcelona: Lumen.

Woolf, V. (1977c). [1922]. “Sobre leer novelas”. En: La torre inclinada. (pp. 140-151). Barcelona: Lumen.

Woolf, V. (1977d). [1925]. “La impresión de un contemporáneo”. En: La torre inclinada. (pp. 173-184). Barcelona: Lumen.

Woolf, V. (1977e). [1940]. “La Torre inclinada”. En: La torre inclinada. (pp. 201-208). Barcelona: Lumen.

Woolf, V. (1977f). [1939]. Tres guineas. Barcelona: Lumen

Woolf, V. (1954). [1953]. Diario de una escritora. Buenos Aires: SUR

Woolf, V. (1932). A Letter to a young poet. London: Hogarth Press



How to Cite

Argüello Guzmán, L. A. (2022). Una lectora nada común: Virginia Woolf. Question/Cuestión, 3(71), E686. https://doi.org/10.24215/16696581e686

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