Pau Ric. Paul Ricoeur: the world fo the text and the world of the reader in narrative literary work




text, literary work, world of the text, world of the reader, comprehension/explanation, narrative reading comprehension


This article presents a description of the categories called the world of the text and the world of the reader in Paul Ricoeur’s theory. Also, there is a discussion about the ways in which those categories belong to a complex tissue of relationships to the concepts of text, literary work, comprehension and narrative and how the same categories are also associated to a reader’s hermeneutics that has in Mimesis I, II, and III their immediate precedents. In the present article there is a discussion to claim that in the development of the reader’s hermeneutics there are possibilities of promotion and comprehension of narrative literary works.  The idea hidden in here claims that in the middle of the world of the text and the world of the reader there is a mediation in the reading comprehension of narrative literary works.


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Author Biography

Luis Alfonso Argüello Guzmán, Universidad San Buenaventura

has a doctoral title in Humanities, Humanism and Person. He is currently professor for the program of Psychology and a researcher associated to the Interdisciplinary Center of Human Studies – CIDEH at Universidad de San Buenaventura, from Medellín with an extension service in Ibagué, Colombia.  


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How to Cite

Argüello Guzmán, L. A. (2020). Pau Ric. Paul Ricoeur: the world fo the text and the world of the reader in narrative literary work. Question/Cuestión, 1(65), e252.


